"The power of home schooling can never be underestimated. To learn all kinds of important stuff, you should take the time to see what you can see from your house. If you see a foreign country like, let's say Russia, you are an expert in international affairs, while if you see a bank, you can know all about finances and investing, and if you see someone speaking Spanish, you know how to solve the illegal immigrant invasion problem, and if you see a storm coming you are qualified to be the head of FEMA, but you still might have to see Arabian Horses from your house for that job."
"I think our Jewish friends, the ones who hate Communists and have sworn off stealing Christian children, would call you-know-who an alter cocker, which in Jewish means an old person who is losing bodily functions, well that is what they would call the you-know-who at the top of the ticket who lost the election for me, I mean he was so old, he didn't know how may houses he owned or what he could see from those houses."
"It is important to know if the president is more like a fascist like Hitler or Chairman Mao, or like John Lennon and Groucho Marx who were Communists so you know which body to paste the face of this president on, lets say someone like Obama for instance when you make a sign to go to protest with all of your anger at the wrong kind of person who is sleeping in the White House."
"Times have changed in what is important in education our youth. The traditional three Rs, reading, writing and the other one are not enough. Now it's the three G's, God, Guns and Gays. This is needed to combat the propaganda of a president who has the audacity to talk to school children about something other than a pet goat."