Entertainment Writer
NEW YORK - With the runaway success of the Docudrama,
The Path to 9-11 in which it was portrayed that the real person to blame for the September 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon was Bill Clinton, it seems that ABC Television has invented a whole new form of entertainment.. Unlike Docudramas in the past that would change minor facts to enhance dramatic effect,
9-11 completely ignored or fabricated the essential pacts of the subject matter. Now it seems that other networks are about to jump on the bandwagon with their own versions of the “Docuganda” as it is now called.
“Who thought that we would start a revolution in programming,” said Larry Minton of ABC. CBS is planning to air
The Road to Katrina, loosely based upon the disastrous national response to the hurricane that devastated New Orleans. In
Katrina, President Bush played by Harvey Keitel explains why it was Clinton’s fault. “I may have played my guitar in San Diego when the storm hit, but Clinton had years to fix the levy that no one knew would break in a storm and all he did play illicit sax for eight years.”
Not to be outdone, A&E is in production for
The Road to On the Road a docuganda which shows how Jack Kerouac, played by Harvey Keitel launched the beatnik movement when a young Bill Clinton convinced him to become a commie pinko dropuout. “If it wasn’t for Clinton’s action, the whole sixties wouldn’t have happened,” says producer Matt Drudge.
NBC is scheduled to present,
The Street to Missing and Dead White Girls, in which it shows that Jon Benet Ramsay, Natalee Holloway and Nicole Simpson where killed by Bill Clinton. “I knew it was a white guy,” says O J Simpson, played by Harvey Keitel, “cause I heard some bad sax playing by some fat dude carrying a stained blue dress.”
Bravo announced its first docuganda will be
The Path to the Crucifixion in which it is shown that had it not been for Bill Clinton, Jesus Christ would not have died on the cross. “I am so happy to get this role,” said Mel Gibson who portrays Judas, “because it comes so naturally for me to play a self-hating Jew.”
In a surprise move, the Fox News network announced that it will be airing
The Road to Fascism, which shows how America has become a fascist country under the George W. Bush regime. Shocked that Fox of all networks would show something negative about Bush, an unnamed Fox network spokesperson said, “I guess we can’t be wrong all the time.”