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The Post-Times-Sun-Dispatch or PTSD is a newsource of serious political satire. Don't let a day go by without PTSD.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

by R J Shulman

AUSTIN – (PTSD News Service) – In addition to the tough new abortion law passed under Governor Rick Perry’s special legislative session, Texas lawmakers have approved a first in the nation bill that requires that wives obey their husbands.  The law, taken almost word for word from Ephesians 5:22 states, “Wives must submit themselves to their own husbands as they would to the Lord, for the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church and He is the savior of the body.  Therefore, as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be the same to their husbands in everything.”

“The liberal anti-Christians may have take God out of the schools,” said bill co-sponsor Edwin Meeker (R-Corpus Christi), “but we have now put Him back in the home.”

The bill, called The Real Defense of Marriage Act, passed easily despite vehement protests by women’s groups and the ACLU, who called the legislation the most unconstitutional law they have seen in years.  The law also will effectively silence female legislators as it borrows heavily from Corinthians 14:34 stating, “Women should remain silent in the legislature.  They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission.

“While other godless states are allowing the abomination of homosexual marriage,” said Representative Wyndam Barth (R-Palestine), “Texas has looked to the Lord to craft a glorious pro-family law that will effectively end marital strife and derail the demon of divorce.”

Similar laws to the Real Defense of Marriage Act are now being introduced in 13 states.


Anonymous Holley said...

This is gorgeous!

9:01 PM  

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