NEW YORK - (PTSD News Service) - According to Fox News, the Bush bashing, W hating liberal press has deliberately failed to give credit where credit is due when it should have been due George W. Bush. "Giving the glory to Osama for taking out Obama or was it the other way around, anyway was a crime when it was George Bush who wanted Osama dead first and that's just the tip of the iceberg of Bush degrading," said Brit Hume on Fox and Friends.
Hume listed at least six major events where credit was stolen from the former president including:
1) Bush should get credit for the manned moon landing rather than NASA or Armstrong because while in a whiskey and cocaine induced stupor at Yale University in 1968, one full year before the landing, Bush told fraternity mates, "I'm so damn high it feels like I'm walking on the moon."
2) Rosa Parks, a known liberal, has falsely been getting credit for standing up to racism for refusing to give up her front seat in the bus to a white man in Montgomery in 1955, when it was George W. Bush who inspired Parks when he said, "You can't throw somebody under the bus if at the same time you are riding in the back of the bus."
3) The Brittish rock band the Who get credit for the rock anthem, We Won't Get Fooled Again, when the creidt should go to Bush who said, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...You can't get fooled again."
4) Lincoln gets credit for freeing the slaves when it should be Bush. Lincoln knew that Bush liked to ride in a Lincoln limosine and Abe realized if he freed the slaves, he would be so well thought of it would be enough to have a luxury car named after him.
5) When it comes to the resurrection, the liberal press credits a known community organizer and Jew named Jesus when it really should be Bush. When Jesus saw how George W. Bush's history making debacle of a career was getting resurrected by a plagairezed book and by getting credit for killing Bin Laden, Jesus said, "Christ, I should resurrect myself too."
6) While the lefties who control the press like to give Yahwey credit for creating heaven and earth, the credit should belong to George W. Bush. When Bush stood up for himself and said he was the decider, that gave God the inspiration to decide to spend about a week creating everything in the universe, except the gays, of course.
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