LIMBAUGH:CONSERVATIVES GOOFED BY NOT NAMING BUSH KING OF AMERICABy R J ShulmanNEW YORK (PTSD News) – Fresh from his enthusiastically received “First National Address” at the CPAC convention, the soul of the Republican party, Rush Limbaugh told his legions of listeners today that the big mistake the GOP made was that they didn’t secure the throne for George W. Bush. “Not installing Bush as King of America has allowed those commie socialist Obamanistas to steal the presidency from the rightful ruling class that really knows what is best for the masses. These pinko fascist terrorist lovers think government is here to help people, but it is not, my friends, the government is here to secure the rights of those that are right, and that means rich conservatives.”
“Rush couldn’t be righter,” said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, “we stupidly gave the ‘I-am-my-brother’s keeper’ crowed a chance to steal power and reinstitute the totally failed ideas of FDR and to blasphemously overturn the gloriously successful Bush policies before they could have succeeded, that is, completely removed the pesky middle class.”
“I want Obama to fail,” Limbaugh said, “because it means his plans will fail, the plan to take money from those who through hard work and inheritance are the only ones qualified to run this country. So that traitor Obama must go and should be replaced with a real American hero who can make sure America is safe because everyone is in their place, a hero of gigantic stature, a hero, well, a hero like me.”
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