By R J Shulman
NEW YORK – (PTSD News) - Little did he know that when he recorded a parody of “Puff the Magic Dragon,” Paul Shanklin would have created a monster hit in its own right. The song, which takes its title from an article in the Los Angeles Times suggests that Obama was chosen by whites out of guilt for the mistreatment of African-Americans and that Obama is an “acceptable” black.
The song was first played on Rush Limbaugh’s show last year, but took off when Chip Saltsman, who is running for chairman of the Republican National Committee sent the song along with other parodies as a Christmas gift. Then the radio picked up an it and the rest, as they say, is history. Billboard magazine lists the song this week as number 3 with a bullet. Hank Slidell, a program director for Clear Channel which owns a thousand radio stations, said the song couldn’t come at a better time. “We had a hole in our playlist ever since we banned the Dixie Chicks for hating America and this fills it rather nicely.”
Not everyone is amused. The song has evoked the ire of several African American groups. “This song has set back race relations a hundred years,” said Trennet Anthony of the NAACP. James Richardson of the Republican National Committee agrees, saying, “the Democrats got 97% of the black vote, now with this song being endorsed by our party, I think we just gave up the other 3%.” However, Ken Blackwell, the only African American vying for leadership in the GOP said, “some people are just too sensitive and should know it is all in good fun like those pictures of a noose that were sent to Obama and McCain/Palin supporters yelling 'kill Obama.' Why can’t we just all get along and have a good laugh?”
Shanklin is already working on his follow-up, a parody of the nursery rhyme “Hickory Dickory Dock, called “Hillary Dillery Doc,” which is all about how Hillary Clinton wants to turn everyone into a socialist lesbian who wants to stop Americans from choosing their own doctors.
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